26.01.2015 |
Olaine district Council (Latvia)
Latvia |
Olaine district municipality council is looking for Nordic partners for group visits focusing on working environment/sustainability. The working group with representatives from all departments would like to learn more how other cities works. Areas of interest can be experience exchange on good practises in fields such as labour and working environment, sustainable development of the city.
Olaine district was founded in 2009, combining two previous municipalities – Olaine town and civil parish Olaine. The territory of Olaine district municipality is 289,52 km2, number of inhabitants 20 600. Olaine town is located 22 km far from Latvia capital city Riga and 35 km far from Jurmala – the largest resort city in the Baltic States.
If you are interested to develop cooperation and exchange information in this field we are looking for cooperation partners. Please contact Ms Ilze Mazure, Project manager on email ilze.mazure@olaine.lv or phone +371 22019984.
Contact: Ilze Mazure, Project manager ( e-mail ilze.mazure@olaine.lv or phone +371 22019984 )
Contact: Ilze Mazure, Project manager (tel. + 371 22019984, e-mail: ilze.mazure@olaine.lv)
15.09.2014 |
Green meetings
Lithuania |
JSC “Lietuvis” has 9 years of experience in organizing all kinds of meetings and events. Recently we have noticed that our clients are concerned about the ethical, social and environmental performance of their suppliers so our aim is to make it easier for our clients to organize sustainable meetings.
We are trying to understand problems related with sustainable management of events and meetings, analyze the factors that limit and promote sustainable event organizing. Also critically examine the processes of event management and identify opportunities to improve their sustainability.
In order to improve our services into sustainable ones, we are looking for the partners from Nordic countries that could take on the trainees from our company and share their best practices and experiences of the sustainable management of events and meetings.
Please contact:
Project coordinator
Eglė Kriaučiūnaitė
+370 657 64444
Contact: Eglė Kriaučiūnaitė, Project coordinator (tel. + 370 65764444, e-mail: egle@lietuvis.lt)
07.03.2014 |
Rural Support Service
Latvia |
Since last year Human Resource department of Rural Support Service has two new inventions:
Last year Human Resource department of Rural Support Service has founded Learning center for our employees, this is absolutely new option in our employee’s career development. We are making our ‘first steps’, searching for new innovative methods to improve learning process for our employees and options for preparing/coaching internal lecturers. We would be glad to hear if you have any experience to share with.
A lot of work, resources and knowledge were invested to improve employee selection processes in Rural Support Service. Since last year we are using different selection and evaluation methods. This is great experience we are ready to share with and we are looking for more new views and approaches from our colleagues abroad regarding other human resource management and selection processes.
Participation in Nordic-Baltic Mobility and Network Program for Public Administration gives us chance to share with different experiences and see how to improve our cooperation across the borders.
The deadline for the project application is 30th of March. We are kindly asking our foreign colleagues to give urgent answer about taking part in Nordic-Baltic mobility program for public administration and being our partner.
You are very welcome to call us or write e-mail if you have any questions regarding this possible cooperation.
Rural Support Service
Elina Plaude
HR specialist
2 Republikas laukums, Riga, LV-1981, Latvia
mobile phone +37127877187
Contact: Elīna Plaude, Human resource specialist (tel. + 371 29626215, e-mail: )
05.03.2014 |
Process based management and activity based costing experience in internal security in the Nordic
Estonia |
Estonian Ministry of the Interior is looking for partners to a study visit about implementation of process management (i.e LEAN, Six Sigma, TQM) and activity based costing in Denmark or Sweden or Norway or Finland.
To give a little insight, then following things have been done in our ministries subordinates. Since 2010, Estonian Ministry of the Interior (MoI) has been adapting the practices of process management and activity based costing among its subordinates. So far, Estonian Rescue Board has described their processes and activities and adapted activity based costing practices. Same has been done in our Police and Borderguard, but without emphasising the costs yet.
The main drivers for Estonian project so far have been
1. What are the processes in departments? (How work is done?)
2. What do the activities cost?
3. Why do the processes cost that much? If we know the costs, then we can relate them to different type of goals
We would gladly familiarize us with the experience of police and/or rescue boards process management and activity based costing practises.
Contact: Marko Seier, adviser to MoI financial department (tel. +372 6 125 224, e-mail: marko.seier@siseministeerium.ee)
Contact: Marko Seier, Adviser to Financial Department (tel. + 372 6125224, e-mail: marko.seier@siseministeerium.ee)
03.03.2014 |
Jelgava City council (Latvia)
Latvia |
Jelgava City council is looking for Nordic partners to improve capacity of administration workers working in social sector. Main fields of interest: Social services and promotion of healthy life style, cooperation between institutions on solving social and health issues (police, health care institutions, social care and educational estblishments, NGO etc.) , service for population - organisation of work of one stop agencies.
If you are interested to develop cooperation and exchange information in this field we are looking for cooperation partners. Please contact Ms Marite Ievina, Deputy head of project management unit on email marite.ievina@dome.jelgava.lv or phone +371 3005486.
Contact: Marite Ievina, deputy head of project management unit (tel. + 371 63005486, e-mail: marite.ievina@dome.jelgava.lv)
20.02.2014 |
Local municipality in Estonia
Estonia |
Kadrina Rural Municipality.
We are local municipality in Lääne-Viru County, Estonia.
We want to find a partner municipalities in Nordic countries, for example in Denmark and in Finland. As we are municipality with over 5000 inhabitans and 355 km² of area, therefore we would like to find a parter which would be comparable with us as much as possible. Our aim is to get knowledge in different fields of managing local municipality in the best way.
Nowadays in Estonia are very important topics national administrative reform and school network reform. Also we discuss about health and social care. Environmental issues have also very important role in our topics.
Kadrina Secondary School has practiced for several years in inseneering education with AutoCAD programm as a choice substances at high school level.
Contact: Kaire Kullik, Development Advisor (tel. + 372 3225617, e-mail: kaire.kullik@kadrina.ee)