30.05.2024 |
Experience exchange with Iceland and Denmark, adaptation of best practice in the fields of forensics, crime scene investigation and quality management |
Latvia |
Please describe how the project benefited your organisation
The main conclusion was that the structure in which crime scene experts and laboratory experts work within one institute, especially under the leadership of the police, is effective not only in Latvia, but also in other countries, which was confirmed by colleagues from both countries.
Latvia's experience is effective, because the police are under the supervision of the Ministry of the Interior, the experts at the scene work in close cooperation with laboratory experts who carry out expertise in various fields.
In Latvia, the government plans to separate the laboratory and place it under the Ministry of Justice. On this issue, both countries expressed different opinions and there were long discussions about the best scenario that could happen. Because in some countries such a division has already been implemented. And the connection between crime scene experts and laboratory experts has disappeared.
A big difference between the two countries and Latvia is in conducting expertise in the structure. In Latvia, expertises are mostly written in the institutions of the Ministry of the Interior. Only in some of the most specialized expertises are sent to foreign countries.
The countries of Iceland and Denmark are outsourcing their practice by concluding contracts and agreements with other countries where expertises are sent and written.
Please describe how the project benefited the Nordic-Baltic cooperation
The exchange of experience during study visits to Iceland and Danish has been organized in cooperation between the Latvian State Police and forensic experts from the Nordic countries. The main benefit of the project for Nordic and Baltic cooperation is the opportunity to compare the quality of Latvia and the Nordic countries management system implementation, crime scene investigation procedures in each country and investigate the management process. As well as the possibility of exchanging DNA and fingerprint database information, especially with Iceland.
The study visits provided an opportunity to view various quality management systems methods and processes, especially when transitioning to an electronic environment.
Do you consider your mobility project valuable in terms of sharing experience?
Yes, for my home organisation Please give an example of experiences/values gained through the mobility project
The visit showed a great example of how to train staff how detailed the process is
are and which are the most important points in the preparation of specialists.
Seeing how the quality system working in another country provided insight into the directions our organization needs to take, what can be improved and what should be done differently.
As our organization has struggled with implementing and maintaining quality systems,
the visits revealed the struggles of other countries and also provided some solutions to solve it
similar struggles.
Methods, procedures, quality procedures, laboratory environment, equipment, cooperation, best practice. Please describe briefly whether the Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme for %s met your expectations
During the implementation of the project, all expectations were met and even exceeded. Contacts both institutionally and individually, will be very valuable moving forward implementation of quality management systems, and the lessons learned have already provided additional ideas on how to solve certain problems that have already arisen, especially regarding digitization of many processes.
The support and knowledge base gained from this exchange is very important for the future cooperation between all participating countries and each other understanding between forensic institutions, as well as the exchange of information and data, will to be very valuable in the process of improving security in the entire Nordic and Baltic region.
Contact: Viktors Semjonovs, project manager of the project "Experience exchange with Iceland and Denmark, adaptation of best practice in the fields of forensics, crime scene investigation and quality management"
27.05.2024 |
Nordic -Baltic perspectives on systematic quality development in education, from pre-school to upper-secondary school |
Sweden |
Please describe how the project benefited your organisation
We have already implemented some things we brought back from our visits. One example is the homework sessions where older students help younger ones. Our lecturer, who was part of the trip, has also organized advanced science experiments to spark curiosity among students and inspire colleagues to adopt a more hands-on approach to teaching. Through our Erasmus+ accreditation, a preschool and six technology teachers from the city have been on job shadowing in Tallinn, and in the fall, the city’s principals will also make a study visit there. Discussions are ongoing in the city about how we can involve citizens and businesses more extensively in our activities. Please describe how the project benefited the Nordic-Baltic cooperation
Our visits have led to good relationships that we hope will result in continued collaborations. It is valuable for us at the central administration to have good contacts with school organizations in other countries. We want to expand our Erasmus+ network, and the Nordic-Baltic project has helped us advance in this regard. References in the media
Yes, the press in Valmiera:
https://www.valmierasnovads.lv/valmieras-novada-viesojas-sadraudzibas-pilsetas-solnas-izglitibas-darbinieki/ Do you consider your mobility project valuable in terms of sharing experience?
Yes, for my home organisation Please give an example of experiences/values gained through the mobility project
Good contacts for further cooperation in Erasmus+. Please describe briefly whether the Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme for %s met your expectations
It was a great possibility for public administartion to be able to see how the Baltic countries organize the education. Contact: Lena Lundström, project manager of the project "Nordic -Baltic perspectives on systematic quality development in education, from pre-school to upper-secondary school"
22.05.2024 |
Shielding Strategic State Assets: Good Practise of a Comprehensive Security Framework |
Lithuania |
Please describe how the project benefited your organisation
Participation in the Northern and Baltic Countries Public Administration Mobility Program during the Shielding Strategic State Assets: Good Practice of a Comprehensive Security Framework project strengthened the international collaboration capabilities of the officers involved in the project and improved their skills in information exchange.
Officers propose considering the possibility for the Public Security Service to participate in foreign training programs on an exchange basis to enhance the skills and knowledge of the officers. This may include training on preventive measures, innovative technology usage, and other areas.
Through participation in presentations, discussions, and site visits, our officers gained valuable insights into the operations, procedures, and best practices of the Finnish and Swedish law enforcement agencies. This increased knowledge and expertise enhance our organization's capabilities in various areas, including emergency response, tactical operations, and protection of critical infrastructure.
Overall, the project significantly benefited Public Security Service by enhancing collaboration, increasing knowledge and expertise, improving preparedness, and strengthening security measures. These outcomes contribute to our organization's mission of ensuring the safety and security of our personnel and assets. Please describe how the project benefited the Nordic-Baltic cooperation
The project significantly contributed to enhancing Nordic-Baltic cooperation in several ways:
Strengthened Relationships: By facilitating collaboration between the Public Security Service and law enforcement agencies in Finland and Sweden, the project fostered stronger relationships among Nordic and Baltic countries. This increased cooperation lays the foundation for future joint initiatives and exchanges of best practices.
Shared Knowledge and Expertise: Through participation in presentations, discussions, and site visits, officers gained valuable insights into the operations and procedures of their counterparts in Finland and Sweden. This shared knowledge and expertise create opportunities for cross-border cooperation and mutual learning among Nordic and Baltic countries.
Enhanced Security Cooperation: Discussions on common security challenges, such as drone-related issues and risk assessment, provided a platform for sharing experiences and developing joint approaches to address shared threats. By working together to enhance security measures and response capabilities, Nordic and Baltic countries strengthen their collective resilience against emerging security challenges.
Improved Information Sharing: The project facilitated the exchange of information and best practices among participating countries, enabling more effective cooperation in areas such as emergency response, tactical operations, and protection of critical infrastructure. This improved information sharing enhances situational awareness and coordination across borders.
Overall, the project served as a valuable platform for promoting Nordic-Baltic cooperation in the field of security. By fostering relationships, sharing knowledge, enhancing security cooperation, and improving information sharing, the project contributed to building a safer and more secure region for all participating countries. References in the media
These are links to the publications about Baltic-Noridic project and officers visit:
https://www.instagram.com/p/C6gXvkgCoFu/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== Do you consider your mobility project valuable in terms of sharing experience?
Yes, for my home organisation Please give an example of experiences/values gained through the mobility project
Participation in the North and Baltic Countries' Public Administration Mobility Program during the Shielding Strategic State Assets: Good Practice of a Comprehensive Security Framework project enhanced the international collaboration skills of the participating officers and improved their skills in information exchange.
After visits officers suggest considering the possibility for the Service to participate in foreign training programs on an exchange basis, aiming to improve the skills and knowledge of Service officers. This may include training on preventive measures, innovative technology utilization, and other areas.
The Swedish police employ modern technologies such as data analysis tools, mobile applications, and internet platforms to more effectively monitor crime and respond swiftly to incidents. Afetr visit officers propose considering the implementation of modern technologies to enhance officers' productivity in Public Security Service.
Officers suggest exploring the possibility of using drones to monitor secured facilities. Drawing on the shared experience of Swedish police officers, incidents captured by drones ensure faster dissemination of information. Drones are an effective means to properly survey an area and swiftly prevent potential breaches or criminal activities. Additionally, footage captured by drones can be utilized for training purposes. Please describe briefly whether the Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme for %s met your expectations
The Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme for Public Administration exceeded our expectations. The opportunity to engage with counterparts from Nordic and Baltic countries provided valuable insights and best practices that we could adapt to enhance our own public administration practices. The exchange of knowledge and experiences has greatly enriched our understanding and capabilities, contributing significantly to our professional development. We look forward to continued collaboration and further participation in similar programs to continue our growth and learning journey.
Contact: Ingrida Stragienė, project manager of the project "Shielding Strategic State Assets: Good Practise of a Comprehensive Security Framework"
14.05.2024 |
“Integrated services for youth at social exclusion risk in Nordic Countries” |
Latvia |
Please describe how the project benefited your organisation
Participation in the project and the opportunity to visit Nordic cities Stockholm, Copenhagen, Frederiksberg and Horsens, whose public health policies, guidelines, and best practices have a significant influence on the implementation of public health policies and activities throughout Europe, including Latvia, was very inspiring and productive. It should be noted that the main cornerstone of Scandinavian public health policy planning is to create better living conditions and equal opportunities to achieve one's best health potential for every inhabitant, regardless of their socio-economic circumstances.
The program was broad and diverse, providing information on both public health and social services, their planning, and organization. One of the most interesting parts of the assignment was visits to various organizations. It was fascinating to see how these institutions operate and how they use innovative methods to improve public health.
Currently, the Welfare Department, the Health Administration, and the management of the Riga Children, Youth and Family Social Support Center are evaluating opportunities to develop a public health and reproductive health support unit within the the Riga Children, Youth, and Family Social Support Center's existing unit "Youth Support Center." This initiative could be a good example of cooperation between the social and health sectors. A meeting with representatives of the Ministry of Health is planned soon to assess the costs and potential implementation opportunities of such initiatives. The project provided insight into how such good practices could be adopted and integrated into the Riga municipality. Please describe how the project benefited the Nordic-Baltic cooperation
The Project provided an opportunity for representatives from two Nordic countries, Sweden and Denmark, and a Baltic country, Latvia, to meet, share experiences, and learn about common issues in the areas of youth and social welfare. The experience gained and professional contacts made during the visits will promote collaboration in the future and the possibility of implementing new, possibly joint projects. It should be emphasized that the project strengthens both professional and personal connections between collaboration partners, improving mutual understanding and relationships. It is worth mentioning that both Denmark and Sweden are pioneers in public health and social welfare policies in Europe, and for the employees of the Riga Municipality, a valuable gain is the establishment of professional relationships between partners. Both Danish and Swedish colleagues were interested and willing to learn more about Riga's experience in implementing equivalent services, and there was also an opportunity to collaborate more extensively and invite Danish and Swedish colleagues to visit Riga. The project provided partners with the opportunity to communicate directly, without intermediaries or electronic communication constraints, thereby fostering trust and openness between partners for future collaboration. Furthermore, this closer collaboration provided an opportunity to get to know each other's culture, values, and work styles. For example, by visiting partners' offices, a deeper understanding of their work environment, organizational culture, and values could be gained. References in the media
Yes, the project has attracted the media attention. Please see links to the media sources:
1) https://ld.riga.lv/lv/aktualitates/rigas-pasvaldiba-iepazistas-ar-socialas-atstumtibas-riskam-paklauto-jauniesu-sociala-darba-novitatem-zviedrija.html
2) https://www.riga.lv/lv/jaunums/rigas-dome-sadarbojas-ar-daniju-jauniesu-problemu-risinasana
3) https://veseligsridzinieks.lv/pieredzes-apmainas-brauciens-uz-zviedriju/
4) https://veseligsridzinieks.lv/pieredzes-apmainas-brauciens-uz-daniju/
Do you consider your mobility project valuable in terms of sharing experience?
Yes, for my home organisation Please give an example of experiences/values gained through the mobility project
Participation in the project not only provided additional knowledge and strengthened international cooperation, but also reinforced practical approaches for future work with young people at risk of social exclusion, particularly in collaboration between the public health and social services sectors. The assignment was diverse, and when considering the long-term perspective for the potential development of new services in the municipality of Riga, the experiences of Stockholm and three Danish cities are unquestionably valuable and integrable. The experiences of these cities confirm that immediate service provision for social risks, including addiction prevention and rehabilitation, has a significant impact on effectiveness, the accessibility of low-threshold services, cooperation with the healthcare service financing sector for providing such services, creating opportunities for new services, reducing the prevalence of risk factors in society, and leaving a positive impact on public health. Please describe briefly whether the Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme for %s met your expectations
The Nordic – Baltic Mobility Programme for Public Administration has met our expectations, and the participation in the project is highly appreciated by the Riga Municipality. The programme has provided the opportunity to visit two Nordic countries and four different cities (Stockholm, Copenhagen, Frederiksberg and Horsens), allowing us to become acquainted with social services provided for young people at risk of social exclusion.
The programme has offered opportunities for deeper understanding, stronger communication, and closer collaboration between partners. These factors are significant in the long term to improve partnership relations and achieve common goals in strengthening the Nordic and Baltic States region.
Contact: Andris Izinkevics, project manager of the project "“Integrated services for youth at social exclusion risk in Nordic Countries”"
14.05.2024 |
Professional knowledge and experience exchange for more advanced services and smart solutions in the field of long-term collection preservation and access to periodicals |
Latvia |
Please describe how the project benefited your organisation
National Library of Latvia is initiating the planning of storage optimization. The opportunity to go on a mobility trip to NLF and NLS has allowed us to reconsider issues related to collection preservation, storage, and conservation, in order to more effectively develop the optimization of the Periodicals Department collection and address specific issues regarding physical collection conservation. The unique experience of examining microfilm collections and getting acquainted with the work of the Microfilm Reading Rooms at NLF and NLS confirmed that, from the perspective of preserving original materials, this collection remains relevant in the digital age, and as a service, it is highly valuable.
Acquired knowledge and ideas were discussed and presented to NLL management, colleagues and responsible specialists.
Please describe how the project benefited the Nordic-Baltic cooperation
During the exchange of experiences, we clarified that both NLF and NLS have publications available in Latvian in their digital collections, as well as certain collections available in both physical and digital formats, which are relevant to researchers in Latvia. Additionally, a representative from NLS expressed interest in NLL's photograph collection on zudusilatvija.lv.
During the visit, Scandinavian colleagues showed interest in visiting NLL in Riga and would like to visit the Castle of Light in person.
References in the media
Within the framework of the National Library of Latvia, in April, we shared our impressions of the trip to Finland as part of the event series "Encounters in the Librarian's Floor”. In may we are planning to share our impressions of the trip to Sweden as part of the same event - "Encounters in the Librarian`s Floor". We are planning to share our experience and valuable conclusions of visiting NLF and NLS in publication for web resource for professional information in the library sector - ww.biblioteka.lv.
Do you consider your mobility project valuable in terms of sharing experience?
Yes, for my home organisation Please give an example of experiences/values gained through the mobility project
During the mobility program, we conclude at several significant insights. Firstly, that we are on a similar path together with our Scandinavian colleagues and make similar decisions regarding the preservation of the Periodicals and microfilm collections. Exchanging experiences and listening to experts in this field encouraged us to reconsider a couple of areas of operation in order to fulfill the duties of the collection keeper more effectively. We concluded that our Scandinavian colleagues carefully plan and consider cost-effective use of funds in activities related to collection preservation. Please describe briefly whether the Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme for %s met your expectations
Yes. The visit to the National Library of Finland and the National Library of Sweden was very valuable, as we not only saw the work of our colleagues firsthand but also had discussions on interesting topics, gaining a pleasant and positive experience by opportunity to meet new people and learn more about the history and culture of these countries. Contact: Karina Bandere, project manager of the project "Professional knowledge and experience exchange for more advanced services and smart solutions in the field of long-term collection preservation and access to periodicals"
07.05.2024 |
Innovation in performing arts and new audience development |
Latvia |
Please describe how the project benefited your organisation
All three concert halls are using streaming services and digital technologies. It was important to explore and compare the technological and digital aspects of streaming devices and services used by teams in Helsinki and Stockholm. The project allowed us to learn the latest updates on the digital streaming aspect of the industry and find the more suitable digital marketing tools to connect with our audience. Moreover, every member has a chance to talk with colleagues from Sweden or Finland. It improved the knowledge exchange on the maintenance of the building, lighting design, marketing innovations, and product development. After the visit, we might implement a few innovative technologies that are used by our Nordic colleagues. Please describe how the project benefited the Nordic-Baltic cooperation
The project benefited from the knowledge exchange and experience shared between the employees of the 3 concert venues. The main goal was to improve the knowledge of digital streaming technologies and digital marketing programs. Our colleagues showed different solutions like ticket selling platform Tix.is from Iceland and the audience development platform Markethype widely used in Sweden. We agreed on mutual information exchange on the development of streaming technologies to provide better access to the digital content for our audiences. All this knowledge exchange makes the industry more resilient. Moreover personal contact might allow us to plan future possible projects. References in the media
It was more administrative visits so we didn't announce it publicly Do you consider your mobility project valuable in terms of sharing experience?
Yes, for my home organisation Please give an example of experiences/values gained through the mobility project
Liepāja Concert Hall "Great Amber" team improved their experience in innovation solutions for audience development including streaming services and technologies, and digital marketing tools. The marketing department of "Great Amber" already made an appointment with digital service providers used in Sweden and Finland to understand better their offer. Our team also discussed the quality of the digital products (better light design, camera set up, etc) and the best tools to reach larger audience in a short and long terms. Such an informal network facilitates information exchange and improves resilience of the cultural institutions. Please describe briefly whether the Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme for %s met your expectations
Definitely. This is a great opportunity to foster changes in our organisations by following the positive example of our Nordic colleagues. Moreover, digitalisation and innovations are one of the priorities of the region and the mobility program provides more effective information exchange, learning process and motivation for our team to grow and to improve. Contact: Timurs Tomsons, project manager of the project "Innovation in performing arts and new audience development"
07.05.2024 |
Development of sustainable eco(nomy)-system in high-tourism areas and increasing the scope of business activities via high quality of public services |
Lithuania |
Please describe how the project benefited your organisation
• Creation of new strategies to inter-sector and regional cooperation on different levels to improve quality of public services:
ideas on how to implement and audit education processes in schools;
need for deeper and strategic cooperation with local vocational training school;
improving strategies on building more voluntary activities;
development of more extended strategy for non-financial cooperation with local buisnesses;
closer cooperation with other municipalities to build strategies on solving common issues;
• Learning about sustaining high-quality services and meeting the needs of various social groups in digitalization process:
close monitor of digitalisation processsess to assure equality of accessibility to services;
• Increasing interest in public government activities:
new ways and ideas on how to increase public interest via voluntary work, community based activities and closer public-private sector cooperation activities.
• Gain of new progressive ideas within other EU funding projects from experience gained in experience sharing visits Please describe how the project benefited the Nordic-Baltic cooperation
Improvement on Nordic-Baltic region cooperation by developing new partnerships and contact with various organisations in Finland and Norway and creating plans for future cooperation on discussed topics.
Review of current programmes and development of ways to include new partners in activities in Druskininkai municipality References in the media
Do you consider your mobility project valuable in terms of sharing experience?
Yes, for my home organisation Please give an example of experiences/values gained through the mobility project
Increasing community value of local vocational school;
Improving private-public sectors relationships via community based activities/initiatives;
Strategies on how to evaluate the need of certain projects or activities;
How to build digitalistaion process strategies;
How to cover certain comunity/residents' needs via voluntary activities;
How to improve cooperation between various administrative levels (from national-to regional -to local);
Development of means to attract bigger variety of economic activities to municipality
Please describe briefly whether the Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme for %s met your expectations
Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme for Public Administration met our needs and activities exceeded our expectations. Nordic countries have build very high standart for public services that can be widely applied in Baltic countries as well. Including some of these practicies or principles in our work will help build stronger and more positive policies Contact: Dalia Gustaite, project manager of the project "Development of sustainable eco(nomy)-system in high-tourism areas and increasing the scope of business activities via high quality of public services"
07.05.2024 |
Social inclusion of elderly people in aging societies |
Lithuania |
Please describe how the project benefited your organisation
During two study visits to Finland and Norway it was a possibility to visit different types of institutions and organizations working in the filed of elderly policy measures, to get informations about the recent reforms in social, helath care and administrative levels. Please describe how the project benefited the Nordic-Baltic cooperation
Demographic changes and aging of population is a common challenge for Nordic and Baltic countires. Study visits to Finland and Norway is a mutual learning possibility for both sides and a possibility to exchange formally and informally the best practices and challenges. Do you consider your mobility project valuable in terms of sharing experience?
Yes, for my home organisation Please give an example of experiences/values gained through the mobility project
Possibility to get informally information about the newest political developments in social and health sector, to meet in person and with social servants from central and municipal level, experts, social partners working with the topic of senior citizens, visit partner institutions. Please describe briefly whether the Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme for %s met your expectations
Yes, it was a good possibility to establish new contacts and strengthen existing contacts that could be used for the future cooperation and new projects.
Contact: Audra Mikalauskaitė, project manager of the project "Social inclusion of elderly people in aging societies"
07.05.2024 |
Study visits for better policy making processes in the field of gender equality and equal rights (vol.2) |
Lithuania |
Please describe how the project benefited your organisation
It has benefited Lithuanian institutions on two levels:
1. Ministry of Social Security and Labour: the ministry advisor had a chance to learn about effective strategies for supporting and enabling municipalities to successfully fulfil their legal obligations to take gender equality and equal opportunities measures. Also, the project has benefited the Ministry by acquainting the advisor with different strategies of coordination, accountability, monitoring and partnering between national and municipal levels.
2. Municipalities: municipality officers had a chance to learn about how equal opportunities and gender equality questions are related to local politics, what measures municipality level institutions can take in order to improve the state of equal opportunities in Lithuania, what challenges might arise and what potential solutions can be implemented. Municipality officers have also increased their competencies with regards to understanding issues of sexism, racism, homophobia, xenophobia, discrimination of people with disabilities as well as how these oppressive systems intersect. Please describe how the project benefited the Nordic-Baltic cooperation
The project acquainted project participants' with institutions and the main actors working in the areas of gender equality and equal opportunities in Lithuania, Iceland and Denmark, therefore identifying potential partners for future projects. Also, the project has allowed for exchanging insights regarding challenges and solutions of gender equality and equal opportunities amongst the three countries. Finally the project benefited Nordic-Baltic cooperation by increasing exchange of relevant materials (i.e. statistics, studies, research papers, action plans, reports, etc.) as it pertains to gender quality and equal opportunities. Do you consider your mobility project valuable in terms of sharing experience?
Yes, for personal skills Please give an example of experiences/values gained through the mobility project
It was valubale to learn how institutions and organisations in other countries work to tackle the same issues that are relevant in Lithuania. For example how the unit of Gender Equality at the municipality of Copenhagen organise and prioritise their work to achieve gender equality progress with limited resources and in terminated timeline. Please describe briefly whether the Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme for %s met your expectations
The program has met my expectations as we got to visit different institutions with various experiences, gain new knowledge with regards to both the structuring of gender equality and equal opportunity efforts as well as the specific practices that can be implemented to advance these efforts. Contact: Augustė Dudutytė, project manager of the project "Study visits for better policy making processes in the field of gender equality and equal rights (vol.2)"
26.03.2024 |
Study visits to the Parliaments of Iceland and Sweden |
Estonia |
Please describe how the project benefited your organisation
The meetings between Estonian officials and their counterparts in Iceland and Sweden were significant for enhancing relations and fostering collaboration. Through these interactions, Estonian officials gained insights into governance, innovation, and other areas from their Icelandic and Swedish counterparts. Opportunities for collaborative initiatives were explored, aiming to address shared challenges and promote regional cooperation in the Baltic Sea region. Cultural and academic exchanges were also integral, enriching the educational and cultural landscapes of all three countries and fostering a deeper understanding among their peoples. Overall, these meetings strengthened the bonds between Estonia, Iceland, and Sweden, laying the groundwork for enduring partnerships and mutual growth through dialogue, knowledge sharing, and collaborative initiatives. Please describe how the project benefited the Nordic-Baltic cooperation
The visits between Estonian officials to Iceland and Sweden greatly benefited Nordic-Baltic cooperation by developing closer ties. The visit provided an opportunity for constructive dialogue between Estonia, Iceland, Sweden, and other Nordic-Baltic countries. By exchanging views and discussing common challenges, the visit helped build consensus on regional priorities and initiatives. The exchange allowed for the sharing of best practices and experiences in various areas. By coming together and working towards common goals, the visit reinforced the sense of shared identity and purpose among Nordic-Baltic countries. Do you consider your mobility project valuable in terms of sharing experience?
Yes, for my home organisation Please give an example of experiences/values gained through the mobility project
The fact that the Foreign Affairs Committee participated in the project it helped make the needed connection more personal and we were able to hone our diplomatic skills needed for the job. Please describe briefly whether the Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme for %s met your expectations
As have participated in the programme before and I had high expectations that were met one again. The host organization were welcoming and helps us to gain a better understanding of their affairs. The programme is a good way to foster communication and shared practices between NB8 countries. Contact: Elise Ernesaks, project manager of the project "Study visits to the Parliaments of Iceland and Sweden"
18.03.2024 |
Exchange of experience for the implementation of circular economy principles, public involvement and development of the bioregion idea |
Latvia |
Please describe how the project benefited your organisation
Although it seems that the Nordic countries are significantly ahead of Latvia when it comes to sustainability issues, we saw during the experience exchange visits that we often face the same challenges. And these are the questions of how to measure the impact of environment, climate and sustainability, what are results which show our progress and how to convince politicians for purposeful actions, not populist promises.
The representatives of the Hoor municipality admit that it is important in planning that the documents are developed by the employees themselves and no outsourcing is used, so it is possible to discuss important issues for the municipality, including problematic issues, and to seek a compromise between different interests. This is an important insight, because in Cēsis we develop a lot of planning documents ourselves and the question often arises whether to outsource this process. Questions about the development of the territory are worth discussing with the public - involving communities, residents, various groups of society in decision-making.
In recent years, the political culture in Latvia has been changing, when the public is increasingly involved in making various decisions, issues are discussed with the public, management and politicians are no longer "afraid" of the public's opinion. Study vistis show that community involvement in sustainable development, circular economy issues and implementing new change processes is vital. We have communicated the findings from the visit to the management of the municipality, which we should follow as democratic society. Please describe how the project benefited the Nordic-Baltic cooperation
The project has created new collaborations, as it is mentioned before, the representatives of the Hoor municipality continue to cooperate with the representatives of the Cēsis municipality, sharing their experience on natural resource management and also on waste management solutions. The experience of Hoor municipality in creating Nature based solutions in the city has been presented to Cēsis stakeholders. Cooperation with the Kerava community continues as a good practice, how to promote the connection of community initiatives with the municipality and support such community initiatives. In 2024, the municipality of Cēsis has planned a discussion with the public about the practical implementation of bioregion initiatives, where we see that the representative (CEO) of the Kerava community, Anna Evila, could participate and tell about her experience.
During study visits we informed the project partners about the Nordic - Baltic mobility program "Public administration" and possibilities to get funding for this kind of activities. References in the media
Information in web pages, Facebook, LinkedIn:
https://www.rainakvartals.lv/post/iedvesmas-un-ce%C4%BCojums Do you consider your mobility project valuable in terms of sharing experience?
Yes, for my home organisation Please give an example of experiences/values gained through the mobility project
One of the greatest values is a common understanding of the complexity of environmental and climate issues in both the Baltic and Nordic countries. The informal talks between the partners were of great value in order to gain a deeper understanding of the common principles of how society, politicians and institutions in Latvia, Sweden and Finland treat climate change.
We are really happy about how interested the employees of the Hoor municipality were in their conversations with us and the deep, genuine interest in how we work in Latvia. At the same time, the Covid pandemic and various other external conditions have created the same challenges for all countries. Please describe briefly whether the Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme for %s met your expectations
The program met our expectations and needs and within the project we achieved what we planned, at the same time creating new collaborations and new ideas for future work, which are important, creating a common understanding of how we work with environmental issues in Europe and thinking about future projects in which to develop new ideas. Contact: Zane Pipkaleja, project manager of the project "Exchange of experience for the implementation of circular economy principles, public involvement and development of the bioregion idea"
18.03.2024 |
Training of Cyber Patrols |
Lithuania |
Please describe how the project benefited your organisation
The project has realised several significant improvements in the qualifications of cyber patrols, yielding tangible benefits to their operations. These enhancements encompass more effective prevention measures in the electronic space, streamlined communication with notifiers, proficient management of the cyber patrol page, and the creation of impactful messages utilising best practices. The incorporation of new OSINT tools for information retrieval in the electronic space has fortified the patrol's capabilities, while the adoption of best practices has facilitated the creation of messages with the goal of achieving the broadest possible dissemination. These advancements collectively contribute to a heightened overall effectiveness of cyber patrolling. The patrols are now better equipped to navigate and prevent cybercrimes, demonstrating an increased proficiency in responding to incidents reported by the public. The optimised management of the cyber patrol page ensures a more engaging and informative online presence, fostering a sense of trust and collaboration with the community. By integrating new OSINT tools into their practices, cyber patrols have enhanced their ability to proactively search for information in the electronic space. This proactive approach aids in the early identification of potential threats and contributes to a more robust preventive strategy. In essence, the improvements implemented through this project have elevated the cyber patrols' capabilities, fostering a safer online environment and fortifying public safety in the digital realm. The project's impact is reflected in the patrols' enhanced skills, efficient communication practices, and adept use of technology, collectively contributing to the fulfilment of their crucial role in safeguarding the cyberspace. Please describe how the project benefited the Nordic-Baltic cooperation
Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme for Public Administration was presented to colleagues from abroad, the concise description of the procedure for funding was presented, and what documents need to be filled out in order to participate in this programme. Colleagues from Finland also intend to participate in this project in 2024, so the information we provided to them was particularly important. Contacts (Emails, phone numbers, links to social accounts) were exchanged with foreign colleagues in order to develop further cooperation in the future. The Nordic and Baltic public administration mobility programme project turned out to be very successful, so Lithuanian cyber patrols will also seek to participate in this project in 2024, receive funding, and visit colleagues in other foreign countries. References in the media
One colleague from Finland (cyber patrol) shared the group photos on his Instagram profile of the social network.
(Link: https://www.instagram.com/p/CyDjhUYNmEK/?img_index=1)
The photos shared show how the Nordic and Baltic public administration mobility programme helps to improve cooperation and the exchange of good practices. Colleagues from Norway shared the group photos on their internal police intranet. Do you consider your mobility project valuable in terms of sharing experience?
Yes, for my home organisation Please give an example of experiences/values gained through the mobility project
We found out how other countries manage virtual patrols and the tools they use to search for information. We got electronic links to better block harmful online content. We also got in touch with someone who can help us get a blue identification badge for our Facebook virtual patrol. We received a bunch of advice on what content to share online to increase our popularity. And the most important thing is that we created new connections, with the help of which we will be able to cooperate and exchange good practices in the future as well. Please describe briefly whether the Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme for %s met your expectations
The Nordic and Baltic public administration mobility program met all our expectations. If possible, we plan to join again next year and visit other northern countries with virtual patrols. We'll also encourage everyone else to make the most of this fantastic project and visit colleagues abroad. Contact: Tomas Špigelskis, project manager of the project "Training of Cyber Patrols"
18.03.2024 |
Innovative Vocational Education: Best Practices from Nordic Countries |
Estonia |
Please describe how the project benefited your organisation
During the project trips, the employees of Valga County Vocational Training Centre got a lot of ideas on how to better advertise our school, how to get new students to learn different things, and how to expand our school's student base. Nordic countries, including Sweden, Norway, and Iceland, have highly regarded vocational education and training systems that could serve as models for Estonian schools. One of the key strengths of Nordic VET systems is their close collaboration with employers and industry associations. This ensures that vocational education programs are aligned with the needs of the labor market and that
graduates have the skills that employers are looking for. Many VET programs in Nordic countries also include on-the-job training, which gives students hands-on experience in real-world settings. Another important feature of Nordic VET systems is their emphasis on lifelong learning. In summary, Nordic countries offer excellent examples of how VET systems can be structured to provide high-quality education and training that meets the needs of individuals and employers alike. All the participants also shared all their ideas with their coworkers during a seminar and in different meetings at school. Please describe how the project benefited the Nordic-Baltic cooperation
All of our project partners that we visited and cooperated with have a more hands-on understanding of how and why the Nordic-Baltic cooperation program works. We are sure, that all the experiences that we shared on the site visits, will benefit all the partners mutually. We surely have gained some ideas and are already processing the plan to change curricula to be more attractive to younger people. We already have shared experiences of participating in the Nordic-Baltic cooperation program with another school in Estonia and they are interested and researching already to participate also in this program. During this project, we also discussed a lot of our opportunities for further cooperation and we are planning the next steps to cooperate with these partners in the near future. Also, we introduced this project on our social media, and a lot of young people got their first knowledge about this project from there. References in the media
Yes, we covered all the project activities in our school social media or website, in social media we have more than 3600 followers.
https://www.facebook.com/ValgamaaKOK/posts/pfbid02MWPLU7fXsiAaFZkBsT4miMoviV8qBw1NQ32xefKMNSKCVoinkf2CHosvCwtDYhjfl Do you consider your mobility project valuable in terms of sharing experience?
Yes, for my home organisation Please give an example of experiences/values gained through the mobility project
All the employees of the Valga County Vocational Training Centre who participated in the project got a lot of experience with different learning methods and teaching methods, and the experience they got there from schools in the Nordic countries will help to raise the quality of teaching in our school and thus make teaching more attractive to young people. During the project, we encountered a lot of innovative solutions that we can later integrate into our teaching, of course, using new attractive tools and methods in our teaching, we must update our curricula to fit them. In Valga County Vocational Training Centre there will be further development of our work-based learning system, so that even more students can study in our school in the workplace, and we will certainly expand work-based learning to other specialties where it is not yet implemented. During the project we saw and encountered a lot of how Nordic schools have a very green attitude when they organize their education, they use a lot of different methods to reduce their ecological footprint, and we intend to introduce various measures to be more environmentally friendly in the Valga County Vocational Training Centre as well. We also investigated in all schools how they advertise their school and how they recruit new students to their curricula, we also got new ideas in these areas, how to improve the advertising part of our school and increase recruitment Please describe briefly whether the Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme for %s met your expectations
Yes, the Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme for Public Administrations met the expectations, because we could share and receive a lot of experience, that helps us successfully develop our school and VET education's popularity and quality! Contact: Maarja Adamson, project manager of the project "Innovative Vocational Education: Best Practices from Nordic Countries"
15.03.2024 |
Strengthening partnership and the capacity building in the field of education |
Latvia |
Please describe how the project benefited your organisation
As expected, project gained experience, international cooperation. And we created 2 new project ideas for the future in the field of STEM education and also job shadowing opportunities for teachers. We found out very practical work approaches, the management of the education system, school organization, financing, also some solutions for different problems. Please describe how the project benefited the Nordic-Baltic cooperation
Existing networks are stronger now, we know more each other in person, trust is bigger, also it helped to speak easier about future cooperation. Nordplus and Erasmus+ project ideas were discussed. References in the media
We put the information in our webpage www.valmierasnovads.lv and shared it via social media. Press release was prepared.
Also an extra publicity was for Swedish partners visit to Valmiera on March 5-5, 2024.
Do you consider your mobility project valuable in terms of sharing experience?
Yes, for my home organisation Please give an example of experiences/values gained through the mobility project
Practical information about organizing different tasks related to education management, school systems, finances, management etc. Please describe briefly whether the Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme for %s met your expectations
It was more than we expected. We felt welcome, people were open and shared their experience truly from heart. It was very useful for out future work. Contact: Liene Dembovska, project manager of the project "Strengthening partnership and the capacity building in the field of education"
11.03.2024 |
Study visits to Nordic countries to exchange professional knowledge and experience in the fields of mental health and substance use |
Lithuania |
Please describe how the project benefited your organisation
Professional knowledge received are being already used and will be used in the future for development of mental health services within mental health reform in Lithuania, preparing legal acts and implementing the planned projects funded from the EU and national funds during 2023-2029 on establishment of the national smoking cessation Quitline, early identification of mental health and substance use system development, case management at primary mental healthcare centres, youth mental health literacy improvement, development of community-based peer-support services, and expansion of talking therapies at primary and public health services. Experience exchange and cooperation will continue according to the need after the project ends, by maintaining professional relations and communication among project partners. Please describe how the project benefited the Nordic-Baltic cooperation
The Project contributed to promotion of Baltic-Nordic ministerial cooperation (representatives from the Lithuanian, Latvian and Estonia Ministries of Health and Social Affairs have made contacts with representatives of the Danish, Finish and Norwegian respective Ministries), building sustainable professional contacts, sharing information about Baltic-Nordic best practices at international, national and municipal levels. References in the media
https://sam.lrv.lt/lt/veiklos-sritys/programos-ir-projektai/nordic-baltic-mobility-programme-for-public-administration, in private FB accounts
Do you consider your mobility project valuable in terms of sharing experience?
Yes, for my home organisation Please give an example of experiences/values gained through the mobility project
The Project contributed to promotion of Baltic-Nordic ministerial cooperation, building sustainable professional contacts, sharing information about Baltic-Nordic best practices at international, national and municipal levels. Please describe briefly whether the Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme for %s met your expectations
Yes, fully met, it is excellent for exchange of knowledge and practice among Baltic and Nordic countries. Contact: Ministry Lithuania, project manager of the project "Study visits to Nordic countries to exchange professional knowledge and experience in the fields of mental health and substance use"
11.03.2024 |
A study of successful Percent for Art cases |
Lithuania |
Please describe how the project benefited your organisation
Finnish meetings helped formulate these conclusions for Lithuanian Ministry of Culture:
- Explore the possibilities and perspectives for involving art museums and cooperating with municipalities in public art projects;
- Encourage municipalities to prioritise art projects in schools and kindergartens as an important part of cultural education, and artworks do not have to be complex, e.g. drawings on walls;
- Discuss the organisation of art competitions in the format of the Working Group on the implementation of the Agreement, introducing portfolio competitions, where a selection is made from the work of previous artists and only a few selected artists prepare specific sketches for the project. Such a competition would require less human resources and the artists could be nominated or invited by the social partners.
Norwegian meetings helped formulate these solutions for Lithuanian Ministry of Culture:
- Taking into account KORO's model of operation, experience and competences, it is recommend that the Contemporary Art Centre, a subordinate body of the Ministry of Culture, should provide expert services and curate public art projects, as the Law on Architecture, which will come into force on 1 May 2024, obliges the acquisition of artworks in certain categories of buildings.
- To structure and communicate the information to the municipalities in the format of the Agreement on Art and Design in Public Spaces Working Group, emphasising the need for the participation of art curators and experts in the selection and implementation process. Please describe how the project benefited the Nordic-Baltic cooperation
All in all, the experience helped to network with more experienced Nordic countries, learn from their structures and visit relevant institutions. The result of this grant not only will be good examples and encouragement to municipalities to buy artwork, but also a plan for the Contemporary Art Centre to get involved, curate and finance public art projects following the 1 per cent for art rule. References in the media
https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7067802035915517952 Do you consider your mobility project valuable in terms of sharing experience?
Yes, for my home organisation Please give an example of experiences/values gained through the mobility project
It helped to create a strategic plan with the help of Nordic countries. Please describe briefly whether the Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme for %s met your expectations
All in all, the experience helped to network with more experienced Nordic countries, learn from their structures and visit relevant institutions. The result of this grant not only will be good examples and encouragement to municipalities to buy artwork, but also a plan for the Contemporary Art Centre to get involved, curate and finance public art projects following the 1 per cent for art rule. Contact: Reda Aleliunaite, project manager of the project "A study of successful Percent for Art cases"
11.03.2024 |
Development and Design of the Dialogue Police in Estonia |
Estonia |
Please describe how the project benefited your organisation
Thanks to the project we have started to create dialogue police training system. We agreed basic needs for dialogue police involvement inside the organisation. We have described basic need to develop our unit.
Whit the project we got the confirmation, that we are doing the right thing with developing dialogue police unit. Furthermore - meanwhile the project we have increasde the number of police officers who belong to the unit. Please describe how the project benefited the Nordic-Baltic cooperation
Firstly we got good contacts with our designated country dialogue police officers with whom we have been in contact with after the study visit. Also we have been able to talk about our experience with other Nordic-Baltic cooperation parties. References in the media
as a result of the first study visit to Denmark, the organization was more interested in the study visit, based on which an article was prepared for the internal website of the Police and Border Guard Board. The results were also presented to the leadership of the northern prefecture, the summary of which was transmitted to the entire prefecture. Do you consider your mobility project valuable in terms of sharing experience?
Yes, for my home organisation Please give an example of experiences/values gained through the mobility project
New practices - the involvement of the dialogue police as well as cooperation with other units at crowded events.
Training program - we received confirmation and new ideas of how and what the dialogue police training program could be in order to ensure the knowledge and skills of the officers. Please describe briefly whether the Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme for %s met your expectations
We had two study visit, but also lot of contacts with other units all over the Europe. I can say that we have created small community of dialogue police who can change practices.
During the study visits, we got to know two different concepts - one was a community-based approach and the other was aimed at the masses. Meanwhile Estonia is small country, so we had to create dialogue police new focus - aim masses through community. Contact: Kelly Miido, project manager of the project "Development and Design of the Dialogue Police in Estonia"
11.03.2024 |
Study visits to Nordic countries to exchange professional knowledge and experience in the fields of mental health and substance use |
Latvia |
Please describe how the project benefited your organisation
1. Changes will be initiated in the monitoring of chronic patients with mental health problems, creating motivational tools for primary health professionals to engage in their care.
2. Continue the work started on attracting support persons to provide mental health services (status of psychologists/psychotherapy specialists in the health care system). Based on the experience of Norwegian and Lithuanian colleagues who, after appropriate assessment, have recognized clinical and health psychologists and psychotherapy specialists as health care support specialists.
3. Promote inter-institutional cooperation with the Ministry of Welfare - a large part of the services concerning well-being, life crises, family and professional difficulties can be solved in community-based/low intensity interventions without going to treatment. A working group would be needed to identify competences and resources for such services in the Latvian context, involving colleagues from the Ministry of Welfare.
4. Experts from the Ministry of Health and experts from the field of mental health had the opportunity to gain insight into the integration of substance abuse prevention into the provision of community-based services for people with mental health and behavioral disorders. At the same time, relevant and actionable information for the implementation of a smoking cessation program in Latvia has been obtained from one of the municipal institutions in Copenhagen that provides psycho-emotional support to people who have decided to quit smoking.
5. Currently under evaluation providing independent psycho-emotional support (within available funding) for people undergoing addiction treatment is currently being evaluated, as this service is currently only available for patients with mental issue. Please describe how the project benefited the Nordic-Baltic cooperation
Given that the Baltic countries are relatively small geographically with very similar health care structures and financing models, the challenges we face in our daily work of strategically planning new services and improving the quality of existing services are very similar. Also, in a context of limited resources, it is important to create opportunities to learn from other countries that have already introduced new services or created alternative solutions, such as relieving the burden on psychiatrists by shifting patient supervision to the primary care level. For the Latvian experts it was important to learn from the experience of Nordic colleagues in implementing low-intensity services in cooperation with municipalities in the field of mental health and primary and secondary prevention of addictions. It should be noted that even after the end of the project activities, we continue to cooperate with each other and it is a great pleasure that the NB-8 program was a good start in the implementation of such cooperation. In January of this year, we organized a remote seminar regarding the new implementation of the early intervention program for children with autism spectrum disorders, which allowed colleagues from Estonia and Lithuania to learn more about our experience in implementing this service. The next seminar is planned this year in April.
References in the media
Given that the Ministry of Health has limited human resources dealing specifically with mental health issues, it was particularly important to transfer the knowledge gained to experts in the field, so meetings were organized with professional associations of GPs, psychiatrists and National Health center to inform about the experience gained from the project. At the same time, the management of the Ministry of Health was informed about the results and benefits of the project. Do you consider your mobility project valuable in terms of sharing experience?
Yes, for my home organisation Please give an example of experiences/values gained through the mobility project
Given that major mental health reforms have only been implemented in Latvia in the last five years, it was very valuable to see the Nordic country experience in implementing various low-intensity mental health interventions, especially at primary health care level. In particular, the opportunity provided by this project to learn from the Nordic experience in developing national mental health strategies that focus on prevention and the development of community-based services. One of these models, stepped care, is currently being considered in Latvia. Another important benefit is the demonstration of the need to invest more in human resources for the organisation and management of mental health, as currently there is only one full-time person in the Ministry of Health dealing with these issues. The Nordic country experience has shown once again that there is a need to invest in this area. Our Estonian and Lithuanian colleagues have already taken a step in this direction by establishing mental health departments in the Ministries of Health. Please describe briefly whether the Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme for %s met your expectations
We are grateful for this opportunity to learn from our colleagues in Denmark, Norway and Finland. We have already started discussions with the professional associations of general practitioners to improve the monitoring of chronic patients at primary care level. Which was one of the most important objectives of this project, because at the moment our secondary care professionals are overloaded with monitoring patients, which could be provided on primary care level.
Another important benefit is of course even better cooperation with our Estonian and Lithuanian colleagues in the Ministries of Health. Already now, after the end of the project, we are in contact in cases of acute need to solve problems together. Contact: Rimma Beļikova, project manager of the project "Study visits to Nordic countries to exchange professional knowledge and experience in the fields of mental health and substance use"
11.03.2024 |
Baltic countries joint study visit on Mental Health |
Estonia |
Please describe how the project benefited your organisation
1) The Danish anti-stigma network "En av os" or "One of us" left a great impression on us and inspired follow-up contacts and activities. Estonia is taking the first steps to establish an anti-stigma network of it's own.
2) Norway's systematic approach to children's mental health reenforced our commitment to evidence-based policy-making and helped us to map the gaps in our mental health system.
3) Our main interest was to learn about the organization and provision of low-intensity psychological interventions and models of stepped care in participating countries. Very valuable and practical inputs on the organization of stepped care model was received during the visit to Finland which was taken into account in the preparation of the Stepped Care Action Plan (Adopted Nov 2023). Please describe how the project benefited the Nordic-Baltic cooperation
(1) Main challenges in mental health in the Baltic-Nordic region are relatively similar, hence there was lot to learn from each others experiences and best practices. Baltic states have quite recently started building up their comprehensive Mental Health policies when Nordic countries have long history and therefore valuable experiences to share. Also mistakes to be avoided / learned from.
(2) Improved cooperation between Baltic /Nordic states and specifically between Baltic states. Do you consider your mobility project valuable in terms of sharing experience?
Yes, for my home organisation Please give an example of experiences/values gained through the mobility project
New information about Nordic experiences, policies and practices.
Shared knowledge between 3 Baltic countries about their developments and future plans.
Better cooperation between Nordic and Baltic states.
Getting to know each other also in my own team. Please describe briefly whether the Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme for %s met your expectations
Application process was smooth and clear. All necessary information was available. I would definately recommend my colleaegues to use this opportunity. Contact: Anniki Lai, project manager of the project "Baltic countries joint study visit on Mental Health "
07.02.2024 |
Tallinn Child Welfare Specialists' Study Visits to Helsinki and Trondheim |
Estonia |
Please describe how the project benefited your organisation
Tallinn Social Welfare and Health Care Board has a child and family welfare department, which coordinates child welfare work in Tallinn, provides services for children and their families (also children with disabilities). In oder to improve the quality of services, it was useful to learn from our neighbours experience. Tallinn needs to improve the child protection system, also decrease the child protection cases per one child welfare worker, but it requires systematic change. Finland as well Norway have already reached the point, where the caseholders have either 4 cases or like in Finland, 30 children for one worker. Child and family welfare department got many great new connections and some very useful ideas for new and necessary services. Also Tallinn is already on a path of putting more effort on prevention by creating new centres for young families (for children in age 0-7), which offers evidence based services and in the future helps to prevent children to become social welfare clients. Please describe how the project benefited the Nordic-Baltic cooperation
Our specialists got new contacts and lots of new perspectives. The representatives of both
countries plan to visit Tallinn this or next year. Ongoing cooperation guarantees sustainable
learning by experience in future and helps experts to create and develop better services to citizens
in both Nordic and Baltic countries. Nordic-Baltic Mobility program is considerably important
program for developing communications between cities. References in the media
No, the project didn’t attract any media attention Do you consider your mobility project valuable in terms of sharing experience?
Yes, for my home organisation Please give an example of experiences/values gained through the mobility project
1. Got new connections, met several qualified specialists.
2. Learned from the best practises.
3. As the group of Tallinn included people from another departments (law, finance, adult welfare, communication, and the head of the department), these 2 work trips gave them much better understanding how is child welfare organised in Nordic countries and how can we benefit from their experience.
Please describe briefly whether the Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme for %s met your expectations
It did meet our expectations, we got new connections, learned from the best practices which hopefully we can implement to our social welfare system which is focused on helping our children and their families Contact: Signe Uustal, project manager of the project "Tallinn Child Welfare Specialists' Study Visits to Helsinki and Trondheim"