Success stories

You are welcome to add examples of best practices, success stories of projects supported by the mobility programme. Success stories can be added in the e-system of the mobility programme in case one or more of your projects have been approved and granted by the mobility programme.

In order to add a success story, you should have at least one approved application.
10.08.2022 Best practices in Nordic countries for telemedicine, community and hospital pharmacy, eHealth systems Lithuania
11.07.2022 Sharing best practices for effective and sustainable management of the national sports system for physical activity, inclusion and high performance. Lithuania
07.07.2022 State and local authorities’ support to schools Estonia
01.07.2022 Development of Research Policy Making in Knowledge Transfer Estonia
16.06.2022 Patient Injury Compensation Latvia
13.06.2022 Stronger Nordic-Baltic cooperation to achieve the green and digital transition in Europe – Estonian EU Secretariat’s group visits to Finland and Norway Estonia
13.06.2022 Experience exchange of municipality specialists in exploring and developing new approaches for smart rural territories in Latvia, Norway and Sweden Latvia
10.06.2022 Successful management and operation of cultural institutions during Covid-19 pandemic Latvia
10.06.2022 SSocIAL Lithuania
10.06.2022 Sustainable Development Goals as a Tool for Strategic Planning in municipalities Latvia
31.05.2022 Enhancing collaboration on meteorological, hydrological, climate activities and services tailored to the needs of society and different users Lithuania
30.05.2022 Establishment of specialized courts Latvia
30.05.2022 Ensuring efficient regulatory framework for transport activities: development of ICT structure, strategic management and legal procedures and policies Lithuania
26.05.2022 Exchange of Good Practices in Science Communication Estonia
13.05.2022 Prison Management, Particular Features of Resocialization of Sentenced Inmates and Good Practices Lithuania
13.05.2022 Nordic-Baltic Study Visit and Knowledge Exchange - International Child Protecion Estonia
09.05.2022 Exchange of experiences and best practices on public involvement methods - participatory budgeting, awareness building events and e-participation tools Latvia
09.05.2022 How to reach everyone in municipality Latvia
09.05.2022 Green and Digital Future Estonia
Date Project title Country