Success stories

You are welcome to add examples of best practices, success stories of projects supported by the mobility programme. Success stories can be added in the e-system of the mobility programme in case one or more of your projects have been approved and granted by the mobility programme.

In order to add a success story, you should have at least one approved application.
13.01.2024 FOLLOW - Future of Logistics Estonia
08.12.2023 Gender-based violence: study visits to Iceland and Denmark increasing competencies in the process of changing an abuser's violent behaviour Lithuania
05.12.2023 Exchange of knowledge and practice about urban planning quality assurance enabled through community involvement within the planning process Lithuania
17.11.2023 Centralization of judicial administration procedures in the Nordic countries Latvia
17.11.2023 Experience exchange on best practices in traffic management, transport development and adopting intelligent transport systems to support public transport Estonia
17.11.2023 Strengthening skills and knowledge in the field of civil aviation: implementation of European legislation in the context of UAVs, market surveillance, ensuring safety in aviation and protection of passengers' rights Lithuania
17.11.2023 Study visit to exchange experiences on surveillance of quality and safety of health care. Lithuania
20.10.2023 Cooperation and knowledge transfer for good cultural, industrial heritage and project management development Latvia
20.10.2023 Study visit to Norway and Iceland in the field of domestic violence, sexual abuse, crimes by and against minors Estonia
20.10.2023 Enhancing cooperation between Nordic and Baltic public sector on gender equality and equal treatment“ Estonia
20.10.2023 Knowledge transfer and experience exchange between national parliamentary research services Lithuania
04.10.2023 Exchange of knowledge, experience and practice in the field of communication from institutions related to the field of home affairs in Denmark and Norway, taking into account the geopolitical challenges of the world today Latvia
29.09.2023 People-centred justice solutions Latvia
29.09.2023 The crisis management’s best practice from Nordic – study trip for Harju and Pärnu county’s local municipalities Estonia
22.09.2023 Quality and exchange in sustainability Sweden
22.09.2023 Strengthening the entrepreneurial environment of the Balvi municipality Latvia
22.09.2023 Nature education and communication practices in Nordic countries, Exchange of experiences Latvia
22.09.2023 Active and healthy ageing for resilient and socially sustainable communities Latvia
19.09.2023 Stronger Together Lithuania
27.02.2023 A Study Visit of Civil Servants of Lithuanian Ministry of Transport and Communications Lithuania
Date Project title Country